How to lose a kidney without really trying

Michael Schwartz

How to lose a kidney without really trying.

Just over a year ago, I got a severe pain in my side, and I knew it was a kidney stone, because friends had described this pain to me. I never had a kidney stone before. This is a true story. It happened to me. I learned that pain can come and go, and that you will lose all your inhibitions in the hospital. I wish I had some hacks for you to not be embarrassed a lot of the time, but there are none. Sometimes you can go in the hospital for a routine procedure, and leave without something you would like to keep…like a kidney. Only a few select people have heard the entire story, and now you can join that group.

Event Information

Event Date 09-09-2024 11:00 am
Event End Date 09-09-2024 12:30 pm
Capacity 60
Registered 9
Available Place 51
We ask for a $2 donation to the Library We ask for a $2 donation to the Library
Location Boquete Library

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